BIG SOLAR FLASH COMING ON December 21, 2020 Second Sun ☀ ️

December 09, 2020

The Great Hunab Ku or the THIS GREAT SOLAR FLASH will occur before the end of this year 2020 will be a massive eruption of white, blinding, magnetic, fifth dimensional gamma light expelled from the galactic core that will be seen as a second Sun in the sky. The energy released from this emission from the Central Sun is known as the scope of understanding and will activate the mass ascension event of planetary consciousness.

The Lemurians referred to the Central Sun as the Source of all life, all knowledge, all power, the God of all gods. The Central Sun is the hidden Sun, the inner Sun, the Source of all being, and is the opposite force to the Earth’s Sun. The cosmic doors will open on December 21, 2020 as the Fifth Sun and the Mayan long count major calendar ended eight years ago, on December 21, 2012, and the Sixth Mayan Sun of the new Earth dawned on that day.

The galactic core, known as the Central Sun by the ancients, and called Hunab Ku by the Mayans, is located in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, in the constellation of Sagittarius. The powerful black hole located there, has recently activated the cyclic mass activity that makes the whole cosmos vibrate higher. The explosion of these high-frequency cosmic rays reaching Earth has been measured by the elevation of the Schumann resonance, to vibrate in the range of 40 to 100 hertz, causing a supra-human state of consciousness.

BIG SOLAR FLASH COMING ON December 21, 2020 Second Sun ☀ ️

About melbrake

Mel Brake is an awarding winning Philadelphia based poet/singer/song writer, whose poetry has appeared in several media outlets and journals, including Philadelphia Poets 2007, 2008 and 2009, Mad Poets Review, Fox Chase Review, and The Philadelphia Bulletin. In addition, Long Island Sounds: An Anthology of Poetry, Writing Outside The Lines (WOSTL) Anthology, Word Riot Magazine, The New Verse News, Word Salad Magazine and Poetry Ink 2010 has published his works. Recently, his band, the Mel Brake Family Band performed a benefit concert at Cross Road Café in Delaware County. He is the Founder and Executive Director of MPW, a non-profit organization, focusing on using the arts to reach children in the Tri-state area. In addition, his first chapbook, “Obama Poetry Project” is available at:
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