The Return of Christ Consciousness: 2015- The Year of Change, Big Change


(Jesus appeared in Northern Lights over Iceland January 15, 2015 photo credited to Kevin Djakpor)

We have spoken about the return of Christ Consciousness in 2015.

January 01, 2015-A Sign in the Heavens

In case you were wondering just like 2014, the year 2015 is another year of change.

( I was on a mediation walk after reading too many predictions for 2015 when my guides spoke to me about what to expect for 2015, and the answer was really simple, change and big change leading up to year 2017.)

Since 2012 the Uranus-Pluto Squares has been effecting change, and big change on our planet, the last Uranus-Pluto Square of the cycle will end March 17, 2015. While men go about making their plans, the heavens does so without notice.

“Uranus and Pluto are no cosmic lightweights. They are the pair that were active in the sky during “Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride” of a decade, the 1960s. Conjunct at that time in the Mercury-ruled, earth sign of Virgo, the 60s marked the genesis and starting point of a very long cycle between these two planets: a long, slow dance performed as they inch their way around the zodiac wheel, a dance that will last over a century.

Because the genesis point in their cycle began in Virgo, Virgo-influenced themes have and will continue to be central in this time of great change and upheaval during this opening square, “turning point” phase in their cycle. Healthcare and other well being issues, including alternative forms of healing, workforce and job challenges, nutrition, food production, hygiene, changes in the way we work and structure our days, and the more esoteric mind-body-spirit connections — are all associated with this earthy sign that falls in opposition to ethereal Pisces. This current, super intense, opening square between these two dynamos first came into preliminary focus in 2010 and will be in potent, “acute” effect through 2015.”

“The square aspect in astrology is associated with conflict, stress, and change, big change — all the more so given who is squaring off. Astrologer Dane Rudhyar noted that an opening square in a planetary cycle, as this one is, signals a time of “crisis in action” and a call for “managerial, forceful activity” — or in other words, time to take the bull by the horns! Personal bull as well as collective bull that is, for outer planet transit effects are both individual and global. The fundamental drive with the opening square is the building of new and better foundations that will support the escalating growth of this waxing, building phase. A passionate strong will is often associated with square aspects; but with this, also comes a need for flexibility. What was begun, the seeds that were planted, during the previous conjunction phase, the beginning of the cycle approximately fifty years ago, is revealing itself more and more, emerging via the growing tension and unrest that is in evidence all around the globe.”

The very last Uranus-Pluto Square was during the mid-60’s, Age of Aquarius, let’s hope that we get it right this time.

Also, in year 2015 contributing to big change are the last two Blood Moons April 04, 2015 and the last one will be on September 28, 2015. Some prophecies are saying that Jesus will return during the Blood Moon. (There are four Blood Moons from year 2014-2015)

The Tibetan Monk or Djwhal Khul sometimes speaks to me and this is what he had to say about year 2015. Terri Newlon is one of his speakers.

“2015 Changes”

January 8, 2015

(Channeling begins)

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. We’re about ready to work with setting purposeful intent for the year 2015 and we have a full Tele-seminar on that coming Friday. And I would say this is a time to really kind of be looking at deeper insights.

It’s a turnaround year and there is a lot of room for positive changes unless you are being resistive and then you’re going to get changes brought about by negative circumstances.

If you look at the news and what not, you’ll see this reflected already in what’s going on in different communities around the world.

So we want a positive outlook, positive intention and then very consciously leaving all of the necessary changes up to the Higher Self and you can also request “With grace and ease please” and I do strongly suggest that you do that.

Now change particularly for the first 6 months of this year is going to be rapid, often unexpected and I would say for most, you know the way the human mind would interpret it, not really welcome but again you want to think more from the Higher Self perspective, from the greater picture, that these necessary changes are coming about.

So change; be positive; be open to something completely unexpected and request “Grace and ease please”.

Alright Dear Ones. As always, thank you and my love to you.

Djwhal Khul

Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon

About melbrake

Mel Brake is an awarding winning Philadelphia based poet/singer/song writer, whose poetry has appeared in several media outlets and journals, including Philadelphia Poets 2007, 2008 and 2009, Mad Poets Review, Fox Chase Review, and The Philadelphia Bulletin. In addition, Long Island Sounds: An Anthology of Poetry, Writing Outside The Lines (WOSTL) Anthology, Word Riot Magazine, The New Verse News, Word Salad Magazine and Poetry Ink 2010 has published his works. Recently, his band, the Mel Brake Family Band performed a benefit concert at Cross Road Café in Delaware County. He is the Founder and Executive Director of MPW, a non-profit organization, focusing on using the arts to reach children in the Tri-state area. In addition, his first chapbook, “Obama Poetry Project” is available at:
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